
My server setup


I wanted to cover my current server setup. It might prove useful for other web developers wanting an easy way to self-host their websites, portfolios and CI/CD pipelines. Some considerations first. I have a full bare-metal machine I’m renting from OVH as it is the most efficient solution for my use case as I also host some game servers for my group from time to time.If all you’d need...

Camera space scaling


During the development of my new game currently called “Space Pew” I’ve come across a somewhat interesting problem. I wanted to have the ships the player will control take a certain percentage of the screen. Essentially, when the longest axis of the ship was aligned with the smallest size of the screen, usually height, the first should be between 20% and 80% of the latter.By...

A new journey


After a few months off where I took some time to focus on my personal life (moved house amongst others) it is now high time I return to game development. Over the past few weeks I have been experimenting and building a few prototypes around a new project that I want to build. This is going to be something way smaller than the proejct I was working in January. It will be more focused and hopefully...